How to get and track a Trend - Make $200 Per Day
I am concerning to make known my most secret on how I thump the odds and made cash day trading the e-mini S&P 500 indice: about $200.00 calendar day or more depending on trending market.
I call my technique "THE money dow technique" First you must decide whether you are gonna use a broker or deal STATION. With Trade place, if you place 10 or more trade a month - the chart are free of charge and a brokerage description is fond of to the chart, or else you pay like $250.00 a month for the chart. Try to get free of charge chart from your dealer if you decide to use a markdown adviser in its place or one of the extra on-line brokerage firms set up in a Google search. Its superior to have two computer to follow the e-mini S&P chart and the currency Dow chart: one can be a desktop and the other a cheap laptop or two contemptible laptops work: I went to Wal-Mart and paid about $800.00 for two low-priced Compaq laptops with CD drives.
One CPU will be on the frontage month of the e-mini S&P 500 chart from your agent. The additional chart will be on a free check called BIGCHARTS. Select the figure DJIA to fetch up the CASH DOW chart. This will be the difficult chart that you will get on on several times a minute to get a 3 minute delayed chart reading. It is also the chart where you will go after the DOW figures up or down to see a movement develop. You will also see the line diagram alter and see a tendency brew that you can follow and bound on. When I saw this happening, I working what I called "THE TRIPLE TWO" plan: Two point target, two contract and a two tip stop. This works about 75%-80% of the time and is good for at smallest amount $200.00 a day previous to commission are taken out. I firmly propose paper trade to get used to the technique I created.
I expect this help those that at a standstill want to day deal.
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